Post /v2/fungible/msgs
This supports cross-chain actions among EVM chains, Cosmos chains, and between them. Returns minimal number of messages required to execute a multi-chain swap or transfer. Input consists of the output of route with additional information required for message construction (e.g. destination addresses for each chain)
Denom of the source asset
Chain-id of the source asset
Denom of the destination asset
Chain-id of the destination asset
Amount of source asset to be transferred or swapped
Amount of destination asset out
Array of receipient and/or sender address for each chain in the path, corresponding to the chain_ids array returned from a route request
Array of operations required to perform the transfer or swap
Percent tolerance for slippage on swap, if a swap is performed
Number of seconds for the IBC transfer timeout, defaults to 5 minutes
Map of chain-ids to arrays of affiliates. The API expects all chains to have the same cumulative affiliate fee bps for each chain specified. If any of the provided affiliate arrays does not have the same cumulative fee, the API will return an error.
Whether to enable gas warnings for intermediate and destination chains
Indicates fees incurred in the execution of the transfer