
Many teams use Skip Go as a source of a revenue for their project by charging fees on swaps. (Charging fees on transfers will be possible in the future!). We refer to these fees throughout the product and documentation as “affiliate fees”

Skip Go’s affiliate fee functionality is simple but flexible — supporting a large variety of bespoke fee collection scenarios:

  • Set your desired fee level on each swap (so you can offer lower fees to your most loyal users)
  • Set the account that receives the fee on each swap (so you can account for funds easily & separate revenue into different tranches)
  • Divide the fee up in customizable proportions among different accounts (so you can create referral/affiliate revenue sharing programs with partners and KOLs)

Affiliate Fees Work

  1. At this time, affiliate fees can only be collected on swaps. We do not support collecting affiliate fees on routes that only consist of transfers (e.g. CCTP transfers, IBC transfers, etc…) even when there are multi-hop transfers. Please contact us if charging fees on transfers is important to you
  2. Affiliate fees are collected on the chain where the last swap takes place: Skip Go aggregates over swap venues (DEXes, orderbooks, liquid staking protocols, etc…) on many different chains. Some routes even contain multiple swaps. For each individual cross-chain or single chain swap where you collect a fee, the fee is applied on the last swap and sent to an address you specify on the chain where the last swap takes place
  3. Affiliate fees are collected/denominated in the output token of each swap: For example, if a user swaps OSMO to ATOM, your fee collection address will earn a fee in ATOM
  4. Affiliate fees are calculated using the minimum output amount, which is set based on our estimated execution price after accounting for the user’s slippage tolerance : For example, consider an ATOM to OSMO swap where min amount out is 10 uosmo and the cumulative fees are 1000 bps or 10%. If the swap successfully executes, the affiliate fee will be 1 uosmo. It will be 1 uosmo regardless of whether the user actually gets 10, 11, or 12 uosmo out of the swap

How to Use Affiliate Fees

There are two simple steps involved in using affiliate fees:

  1. Incorporate the fee into the quote : You need to request the route & quote with the total fee amount (in basis points) you will collect, so Skip Go can deduct this automatically from the estimated amount_out it returns to the user. This ensures the quote you show the user already accounts for the fee, and they won’t receive any unexpectedly low amount.
  2. Set the address(es) to receive the fee: You also need to tell Skip Go the exact address(es) to send the fee revenue to. You need to pass a list of addresses and specify a fee amount (in basis points) for each to collect.

Fees with /route and /msgs

When using /route and /msgs, you incorporate the fee into the quote when you call /route then separately set the addresses to receive the fee when calling /msgs:

  1. In the /route request, set cumulative_affiliate_fee_bps to the integer corresponding to the number of basis points you will collect in your fee
    1. For example, set cumulative_affiliate_fee_bps to 100 if you would like to collect a 1% fee on the swap
  2. Use the swap_venue.chain_id field in the response of /route to determine which chain the swap takes place on. You’ll need to use addresses on this chain later when setting the addresses to receive the fee
  3. In the /msgs request, set affiliates to a list of Affiliate objects, where each corresponds to a fee-receiving address on the chain where the swap will take place (address gives the address, and basis_points_fee gives the fee amount).
    1. The sum of basis_points_fee values across all affiliates should equal cumulative_affiliate_fee_bps
    2. If you pass any addresses that are not valid on the chain where the swap will take place, the request will return a 400 error

Fees with /msgs_direct

/route and /msgs recommended over /msgs_direct

We generally recommend integrators use /route and /msgs rather than /msgs_direct. The complexity you must manage below is part of the reason for this recommendation.

  1. Set affiliatesto a list of` Affiliate objects, where each corresponds to an address that will receive a portion of the fees if the swap takes place on the chain where that address is located. (Within an Affiliate object, address gives the address, and basis_points_fee gives the fee amount).
    1. You should pass a set of affiliate addresses for every chain where the swap might take place. (You can get this list by querying the /v2/fungible/swap_venues endpoint for the list of all swap_venues and grabbing the chain_id for each). This is required because /msgs_direct determines the route, so we don’t know which chain the swap will take place on when calling it.
    2. You should ensure that the sums of basis_points_fee for the sets of addresses you pass for each chain are equivalent. (For example, if you pass osmo1… addresses and neutron1… addresses, the sum of the basis_points_fee values for the osmo1… addresses must be the same as the sum for the neutron1… addresses.) You will receive an error if your fee sums aren’t equivalent. (The error is necessary because we don’t know which fee amount to simulate with.)

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